Welcome to Garden City Ballet — a nonprofit organization that exists because of parents who love their children, and children who love to dance.
Our Commitment
Preserving Missoula's Nutcracker for our children and community.
I want to express my sincerest gratitude to Garden City Ballet for providing such an incredible dance experience for my daughter and our family. The sense of community GCB provides to all of its young dancers is unsurpassed. I am truly thankful for the time all of the professionals and volunteers dedicate to our children. The lessons learned and friendships made will last a lifetime.
Our Community
Garden City Ballet is a family. Countless parents, grandparents, and all manner of extended family and friends play a vital role in this village. Professional dance faculty inspire and educate — delivering compassion and excellence. Local businesses and individual community members partner and donate — believing in the immeasurable value of the arts and the work we do.
The Nutcracker has been a local holiday tradition in Missoula, Montana, for over 35 years — we enthusiastically invite you to be part of the ongoing fun!